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Meditation Bundle

Meditation Bundle

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Praesent quis ipsum vehicula, rhoncus orci ut, porta turpis. Nullam ultrices libero nibh, nec semper dolor pellentesque sed. Quisque sollicitudin at ante at faucibus. Sed congue, nibh ut vehicula tincidunt, nulla orci maximus justo, a fermentum nulla ipsum at sapien. Integer suscipit imperdiet consectetur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras magna turpis, volutpat sed interdum ac, gravida quis eros. Etiam augue metus, laoreet vitae ultricies nec, sodales eget ex. In gravida mollis sem sed commodo. Vestibulum porta, purus quis tincidunt finibus, magna erat vehicula ipsum, malesuada blandit mi lorem a quam. Vivamus neque risus, pellentesque id diam quis, commodo tempor urna.

Welcome to OhanaTribe 🖤 I’m simply Faten, a passionate and curious human exploring different ways to improve people’s wellbeing, including mine.

I founded OhanaTribe to share some of the tools that have helped me personally in my pursuit of a more peaceful and balanced life. Rudraksha Mala Beads and Essential Oils, have helped me foster this harmony along with yoga and meditation.

I sincerely hope that my Mala designs and unique essential oil blends also help you find balance and inner peace.

Much love and gratitude for helping me accomplish my mission.

Faten - xo

Our Mala beads designs are all handmade and blessed by the soulful artisans of Aum Rudraksha Designs in Bali. All the Mala necklaces and bracelets are mostly made with sacred Rudraksha grown on an organic plantation in Northern Bali. They are 100% natural and eco-friendly for our planet. As for the semi-precious gemstones in our designs, we use them very mindfully because of mining. And we make sure they are ethically sourced.

Our essential oils are blended in very small batches in Vancouver by Arline, a talented and certified aromatherapist with whom I co-created our unique five moment blends. All the essential oils used in our blends are wildcrafted to protect the land.

As for our packaging I have made sure they are either refillable, reusable or recyclable. The gift bags you receive the products in are made of cotton. The shipping boxes, mailers and wrapping are all craft and made from recycled paper.

What is a Mala?

How many beads in a Mala?

How to use Mala beads?

How to meditate with a Mala?

How to use Essential Oils with Rudraksha Mala Beads?

My story

Welcome to OhanaTribe 🖤 I’m simply Faten, a passionate and curious human exploring different ways to improve people’s wellbeing, including mine.

I founded OhanaTribe to share some of the tools that have helped me personally in my pursuit of a more peaceful and balanced life. Rudraksha Mala Beads and Essential Oils, have helped me foster this harmony along with yoga and meditation.

I sincerely hope that my Mala designs and unique essential oil blends also help you find balance and inner peace.

Much love and gratitude for helping me accomplish my mission.

Faten - xo

Handmade & Sustainable

Our Mala beads designs are all handmade and blessed by the soulful artisans of Aum Rudraksha Designs in Bali. All the Mala necklaces and bracelets are mostly made with sacred Rudraksha grown on an organic plantation in Northern Bali. They are 100% natural and eco-friendly for our planet. As for the semi-precious gemstones in our designs, we use them very mindfully because of mining. And we make sure they are ethically sourced.

Our essential oils are blended in very small batches in Vancouver by Arline, a talented and certified aromatherapist with whom I co-created our unique five moment blends. All the essential oils used in our blends are wildcrafted to protect the land.

As for our packaging I have made sure they are either refillable, reusable or recyclable. The gift bags you receive the products in are made of cotton. The shipping boxes, mailers and wrapping are all craft and made from recycled paper.

What is a Mala and how to use it?

What is a Mala?

How many beads in a Mala?

How to use Mala beads?

How to meditate with a Mala?

How to use Essential Oils with Rudraksha Mala Beads?